Arielle Scarcella

I saw Moe Tweeted out something about Arielle Scarcella using her thumbnails and Lesbian content for specifically baiting men for views and things along with that, so as a lesbian myself- I had some things to say about it.

I have to make a disclaimer though FIRST;

1. I don't want you to take this message as if I'm trying to talk crap about Arielle Scarcella. yes, she's done some and perhaps alot of mistakes, but she's also human- and just like if you were in that situation, I'm sure you'll still want to feel treated kindly as a human.

2. I watched and re-watched a bunch of her videos right now just to make sure I'm not getting anything wrong so I could be as most accurate as I can.

3. I do NOT speak for all lesbians! being a lesbian isn't necessarily a universal thing.

4. I am a Queer Asexual Trans Agender xe/they/he Lesbian.

Anyways, let's get right into it!

first off, looking at her old videos here's what I got;

 there's not much to say about the thumbnails- click-baiting.

though I have to say- she does look happy and confident and much more satisfied and sure of herself than in her more recent videos. Her videos back then are not about criticizing people or cultures or anything similar to that- but doing things she loves and being confident about it. it seems as if she was trying to normalize sex talk; which for an asexual person (which I am) at first seems quite weird, but I do understand it and honestly it should be- just like cuddling with your homies should be normalized. she was doing things for her own enjoyment and satisfaction- which I admire.

about her more recent videos;

see, that's an issue that speaks for itself. I know that she wants to be a big YouTuber, just like every other starter does- that's why they go to the darker side, which is being aggressive and judgmental.

I'll take the video "Ellen Page Comes Out As Trans : Now Elliot Page (He/They)" of hers for this matter.

I'm assuming you know already since you talked about this in one of your videos so I won't expand much, but there is one thing that really, REALLY bothers me about this video.

the first line.

"Well, uh, we did it, we lost another lesbian, guys".

first of all;


Who are you talking about in this "we" of yours? lesbians belong to no one. if someone is experiencing Dysphoria for example, they might feel like a lesbian for a month or so and come out about it- then a month later they'll feel as if they're Bisexual, so they'll change it. sorry, you DID NOT lose anyone, anything, and nothing that was yours anyway. can you just be happy that someone finally understood who they actually are? please and thank you.

second of all;


you didn't lose a thing, because you never owned it.

just because you're a YouTuber that represents lesbians, it DOES NOT give you the right to say you own the title of "A Lesbian"- lesbians are their own people, they don't need titles and names.

that part made me quite upset. /:

ever since Arielle started criticizing people, she raised quite the stir. it's really unpleasant seeing her like this.

let's take for example another one of her videos- "“He / Him” Lesbians, Just STOP".

that video was extremely offensive to me as a lesbian that identifies as a he/him.

you don't get it, alright- I don't get alot of things such as why there are so many forms of anxieties, but I just accept it- because it does exist and it is here.

it's alright you don't get it- but please, consider there are people who live that way because it fits them better.

honestly I don't want to identify as Heterosexual because I'm identifying now as a he/him that likes girls- why? well, that's because I still am Queer. in my case, I'm also a xie/they and not completely a he/him. for other he/him lesbians, that may not be the case- but it is for me. even for lesbians who don't have an explanation why- just let them be. let them live however they want peacefully. just like Lin Manuel Miranda said- "Everyone shall sit under their own vine, in fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid."

In this world, we're supposed to have freedom.

one of the human rights is the Freedom of Expression- everyone shall have their own vine; their own space where they can create and express themselves mentally, physically, spiritually as long as they are not hurting anyone- and I don't think identifying as something affects someone's life directly.

let's connect her videos with seducing men now:

As I watched through her videos, I did feel weird watching them, but no- I don't believe they're intended for men honestly. her sex tutorials are for her own pleasure and other women's pleasure. though I do have to say that the thumbnails are pictures that appeared for two seconds in the actual video. also, when she does demonstrating- (for example, the video "Lesbian Sex : How To Ride A Lesbian") I believe it's quite meaningless and the video could've lived without it. there's no need for "extras" just because the video is making you feel, well- horny. /:

it's quite useless to show scenes that are supposedly meant to "seduce" people with the intention of- well, the title that Arielle has chosen practically says "today I'll teach you how to fuck lesbians".

Honestly, I think that she's done herself, and not in a good way.

there's so much more to talk and say about her, which I'd love to, but I've been writing this for about an hour now and it's getting late. I put alot of effort in this, I hope you'll see my points.

thank you for your time!


Also, here are my sources:
